As KautzCraft Studio Store, the web-site was not maintained as a dynamic or agressive e-commerce business. The reason being, KautzCraft is a retirement activity. The Store Website was not perceived by me as a critical source of revenue. I maintained The Store mostly as a "display" which attracted more spam business "support" contacts than sales. Of course there are costs in maintaining any website. My web-site goal was a way to at least "break-even" with my creative craft activities.
Links to the store URL now return to the KautzCraft Studio blog website.
I continue to make silver lost wax cast jewelry and many other craft items. The Store website has simply been "retired" as unnecessay overhead.
Private sales continue on a person-to-person basis. If you are interested in something I have made or have a request for a special item, please contact me directly. I love new projects.
"Doing what I love for those who love what I do."