KautzCraft Studio Blog is simply a brand awareness web presence. 

The on-line store was closed almost two years ago. I sell NOTHING from this website. 

I do sell items I create to friends and friends of friends. It's called personal contact and word of mouth. I am a craftsperson, not a seeker of great fame and wealth. 

Actually I am retired from creating a suporting income from my personal labors. Donations earned for the items I make generaly don't cover the material and operational overhead and the tools required. Certainly not the love and labor time involved. I don't consider them a cost.

Much of what I make is given away as gifts or simply a donation. 

I do this because that is what I can do

For these reasons I have shut down the personal contact page. Only another website manager can understand the overwhelming amount of scum an open email account attracts on a daily basis. Sexual perverts and lonely hackers who think they can make me and this website "better". To me they are one and the same.

If you know me, you know how to contact me. Never solicit to help me. I am not interested.